Saturday, February 21, 2015

I've got MORE! (Of course!)

More daylilies, as promised, for July of 2014.

 HELEN SHOOTER, by Shooter, '98; Midseason; DOR DIP; 25" x 7"

 HEMEROCALLIS FULVA (Species)  In other words, one of the wild ancestors of the hybrids.  I thought this was a particularly nice, clear shot of the bloom.

HIS LORDSHIP, by Wild, '83; Mid-Late; DOR DIP; 22" x 6.37"  (Seriously?  6.37 inches???  That is what the AHS database says!)

HYPERION, by Mead, F.B, '24; Mid; DOR DIP; 40" height.  This might be the earliest cultivar I own, or at least one of the earliest.  Not "early," as in bloom season, but oldest as a hybridized cultivar. 

ROSES IN SNOW, by Hansen, D., '99; Early Mid; SEV TET; 24" x 5.25"

LITTLE ISAAC, by Durio, '87; Early Mid; SEV TET; 26" x 5.5"

There were at this point a lot of photos in that day's album which had no labels.  I had photographed some of the actual plant labels, but didn't rename the file in the save.   I can't click on a photo viewed in the blog selection of pictures without selecting it for here.  Therefore, I couldn't read most of the plant tags to know what was what.  The only exception was Roses in Snow, above, the reason it's out of alphabetical order.  

So, before I move on to another day in the gardens, here is a shot of the King Arthur themed garden, from the North edge, on July 17th of 2014.  


HAIL KING ARTHUR, in the lower front, FRIAR TUCK behind it.  Reds in upper left are BLACK FRIAR, and I think the the peachy blend in the upper right corner might be QUEEN ELEANOR, though it could be DOWAGER QUEEN.  I have to see them up close to be certain.  In the very far upper right corner is a splash of red; that's the monarda, probably Jacob Klein.  It has been invasive, and quite the bully in this garden; I throw a lot of it out now.


ALEXANDER THE GREAT, by Kennedy, '86; Mid-Late; DOR DIP; 34" x 7" 

(Some of the mid-late bloomers are starting already here.  There are a lot of variables in determining bloom time!  This was obviously one of the first blooms to open of this cultivar.)

ANNABELLE'S GHOST, by Reinke, '95; Mid; DOR DIP; Fragrant; Spider; 34" x 8"

ARCTIC SNOW, by Stamile, '85; Mid; DOR TET; 23" x 5.5"

BARNEY, by Benz, J., 2005; Mid; DOR TET; Very Fragrant; 34" x 6"

In the left and upper:
BLACK AMBROSIA, by Salter, '91; Mid; SEV TET; 28" x 5"
and,  in the lower left corner:
FRED'S EARLY RED (VT), by the Darrow family, unregistered.  (See previous blog entry.)

FLUTTERBYE, by Childs, F., '81; Early; DOR DIP; Fragrant; Spider; 26" x 6"  (Not a great bloom, but not horrid, either.  This was new to my gardens in 2013, so not well established at this time.  Unfortunately, I'll have to move it this year, as that was only a holding place for it, and I'll need the space for something in the theme.  I promise to be gentle!)

HOMAGE TO PATRICK, by Kirchhoff, D., '90; Mid; SEV TET; Very Fragrant; 24" x 6" 
This is in the Irish section of my gardens (Scotland/Ireland) but I have several other places to put it.  It won't be dug up and divided until this summer, and then I might have to wait until all the fans are blooming.  It's that close to two or three other daylilies!  Might do it early anyway, and see how the divisions flower, to make sure they're accurate. 

IVORY GOWN, by Webster, '85; Mid; DOR TET; Fragrant; 26" x 6"

JIM'S PICK, by Wild, '71; Early Mid; DOR DIP; 34" x 6:

LADY FINGERS, by Peck, '67; Mid; DOR DIP; Spider; 32"x 6"

LION IN WINTER, by Elliott, '78; Early Mid; DOR DIP; 31" x 5.25"

LITTLE DANDY, by Hughes, '70; Early Mid; SEV DIP; 16" x 2.5"

LITTLE GREENIE, by Winniford, '72; Mid; EV DIP; 18" x 4"

LITTLE PLEASURE, by Stamile, G., '95; Early Mid; SEV DIP; 20" x 2.87" (HUH?  There it is, again -- weird measurement fractions!  I swear, that's what the official AHS database says!) 

MARBLE FAUN, by Millikan, B., '83; Early; EV DIP; 20" x 5"

MEXICAN MAIDEN, by Apps, '84; Mid; DOR (Ploidy not given in AHS database); 20" x 3.75"

I'm giving up here, for now.   Back soon!

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