Thursday, August 15, 2013

I do have a few lovelies to share with you, and OH! NEWS!  I was blessed with a visit from my cousin's "kid", whom I haven't seen for decades, not since she was a little girl.  She's a grown woman now, and I'm very proud of the fantastic human being she has become.  She walked around my gardens with me, and though only the Mid-Late blooms (some of the last Midseason blooms were still standing up to be counted, yaaayyy!) could be viewed, she seemed to enjoy the tour.  She has recently purchased a home, and wants to garden!  I'm willing to share any or all of my daylilies, over the course of time, with her.  But only some can be shared this summer, as I'm not dividing everything. Also, I took no photos that day (should at least have taken some of HER!) so all photos are from previous blossoms, or blooms since that day.

She showed a lot of interest in these:

                              LOVE GLOW, by Stevens, 1981, Midseason, 30" x 6"

YANKEE CHARM, by Sikes, 1991, Mid, 17"x5"

HAKUNENSIS -- This is a SPECIES daylily.  No human being bred it; this is Mom Nature's work!

                         SCOTTISH FANTASY, by Moldovan, 1996, Midseason, 28" x 5.5"

SPIDER MIRACLE, by Hendricks, 1987, Midseason, 32"x 8.5"    (This one is a polytepal.  That is, an occasional anomaly of 4 petals plus 4 sepals, totaling 8 instead of the usual 6.  This particular bloom had passed by the time she saw my gardens, but I have this photo of Spider Miracle in my files.)

JANICE BROWN, by E.C. Brown, 1986, Early-Midseason, 21"x 4.5"  Stout Silver Medal.  (This did not bloom Early-Mid for me, but it is a rebloomer.  Maybe it got its calendar mixed up?  I do occasionally get daylilies that simply do not bloom when the databases say they should, though they are otherwise healthy and happy.  This Lovely was wet from the rain, when she was photographed.)

       WICKED WITCH, by Moldovan, 1980, Mid-Late, 24" x 6" (It's actually a fair bit darker than this pic shows.  Nice, rich, dark red/near black.  Might have been too sunny that day for photography.  Sometimes color is truer on overcast days, but I can't just wait for that.)

WHITE TEMPTATION, by Sellers, 1979, Midseason, 32"x 5"  (These are some new ones that duplicated an older planting I thought was lost, instead of replacing it.  It lives too!  These haven't achieved that 32" height yet -- not this year.  It's a beautiful "near white", nice and clean.  It's a "nocturnal," which means it starts blooming at night!)

OK, there were several more that she admired, and I think she truly liked all she saw blooming that day.  Many plants had taken the day off, as it were... had buds, but none open that day.  I won't be digging/dividing all of these this summer -- and possibly some not even next year -- but she is welcome to all of them, eventually.  I'll send her a few plants later this month, and more in the spring.  Then we'll see what needs division, and when.  By then, she will have visited again, I hope, perhaps a different part of the summer.  Then she'll see different plants in bloom!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Looks like the patch I was hoping to "lasagna" and over-winter just won't wait.  I  have far too many clumps that desperately NEED to be divided, and no place to put them.  I'm clearing out a whole garden area near the back steps to be an herb garden, as an old farmhouse truly should have.  But first the vinca I put there years ago, must be annihilated.  Oh, I won't put poison in there, of course!  But I'm hoping to smother the bad stuff if I can cover the bed entirely with newspaper, etc.  Unfortunately, I do have three herbs and two hostas already there, so I'm not sure if I'll eradicate the vinca or not.  It is terribly invasive... and RUDE.

Anyway, that means getting all the daylilies that are there OUT.  They'll need division, and a new place to grow.  Not sure how many there are, in that one small spot, at least a dozen.  Lots of daffodils, too.  Once they are all out, the plan is to leave that fallow for a year, and dig out any new strays. Hmmm... and keep the cats out of there, too!  Ew....

So far, I have moved Bone China (this spring, actually; it bounced right back!) Siloam David Kirchhoff,  and Lilting Lavender.  Two mystery plants *could* be Give Me Eight, and one of my own babies from 2003/2004.   Some others to go will be: Ruby Spider, Dark Star, Linda, Black Cherry, Lona Eaton Miller, Lady Neva, Vesuvian Blackout, Black Plush, Super Goddess (I think) maybe Temple Goddess, maybe Abiding Goddess, one that kinda looks like Siloam Merle Kent, but I thought I'd put it elsewhere, years ago.  Fingers crossed that Feisty is alive, being crowded by Linda.  Not at all sure about one mystery plant, but I'm hoping it's Olallie Star.  Sometimes I find original labels/tags that help identify a plant, once I've dug and lifted it.  Otherwise, I'm guessing as best I can with databases, and my own good-but-not-perfect records.  I got sloppy about that after a couple of years. (BAD Janet!)  I keep hoping more of my own records will turn up, like jotted notes on odd scraps of paper, or notebooks I don't remember.  It's happened!  Late Late Show will be the last one to move, I suppose, since it is yet a long way from its first blossoming.  I'll wait until all blooms are spent on each before moving them.

Here are a few of the daylilies that have been or will be moved from The Corner Garden, just northwest of the back steps.

RUBY SPIDER, by Stamile, 1991, Early, Dor Tet, 34"x 9".

LADY NEVA, by Alexander-Moody, 1970, EM, Sev Dip, 42" x 9" (Not tall at this time.  This one was bought as a replacement for the one I'll have to move soon, not knowing the original was still alive.  This one is too young to be 42 inches tall, and the original is too stressed.)

 LATE LATE SHOW, by Kennedy, 1986, VL, Dor Dip, 28"x5"  (This doesn't look like the pic in the Tinker's Garden database.  But I have nothing else that would qualify.  This is truly VL- Very Late)

 SILOAM DAVID KIRCHHOFF by P. Henry, 1986, EM, Dor Dip, 16" x 4"

 BLACK PLUSH, by Connell, 1955, Mid, Ev Dip, 32" height (bloom dimensions weren't given when registering daylilies, way back that long ago.)

 MYSTERY daylily that looks a lot like SILOAM MERLE KENT, but I can't figure out why it would be in that garden, when my records show it was intended to go into a different one.  If not SMK, then... what is it?

This is the "Corner Garden" in question, taken last year.  The very tall one is LINDA.  Much of this is already cleaned out pretty well, and a few bloomed this year that did not bloom at all in 2012. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hmmm... I didn't get back here "tomorrow," that is, the next day after the last post entry.  But I have been out in the gardens EVERY day, even when busy with something else, if only to check for FFO's.  Have solved a few more mysteries, but some will simply have to wait until next years' bloom.

Here are a few pics, as promised, of this year's acquisitions.  I'm pleasantly surprised that so many of them have bloomed so soon!  I did get a few replacements that turned out to be duplicates, as the originals weren't dead after all.  Silly me!  But I'd rather have too many of a daylily than not enough!

By the way, I never get the very expensive, newer cultivars.  For the same amount of money, I can get many of the older ones, so as long as I still have room to plant them, I shall likely stick to my policy of getting only the older, less expensive ones.  But put together, they make a gorgeous show in my yard!!!

                                   AGE OF AQUARIUS, by  Moldovan, 2001

                              BRANDY ALEXANDER, by Kirchhoff, 2000

ELF CAPS, by Hudson, 1977 (This tiny cutie was out in the rain, before getting its portrait taken.)

OLD KING COLE, by Moldovan, 1995 (I got this to represent one of my cats, Cole.  Someday, I shall have a theme garden for all my animals.  I have already begun calling it "The Petting Zoo, " and I have a very good idea of where I'll put it.  Old King Cole is already there!)

DANDY DAVE, by Lynn, 2001 (Got this to represent my grandson, David.  I also got one called, "New King David," which was planted in another section, but will be moved to this spot, next year.)

 OLALLIE CAROL, by Darrow, 1981.  (I have two Carols to be represented by this lovely bloom; a very dear friend, and my cousin who passed away this spring.  I got two fans, and they'll go in separate theme gardens, so I hope they increase quickly!)

 CRIMSON PIRATE, by Sass, 1951 (An old variety, yes... but still quite good looking.  And I'll have a Pirate garden, next year!  I already have several cultivars collected for it: Blackberd Pirate, Barbary Corsair, Black Pearl, Pirate's Promise, and this one.  There are many more registered cultivars with pirate-y names!  I have a few others that could be squeezed into the Pirate garden, such as Shark Bite, Mynelle's Starfish, Daring Deception, and Ocean Rain.  Not exactly keeping "to the code," but close enough.  The code is more like Guidelines, anyway.... heh heh heh .....)

 DOLL HOUSE, by Wild, 1975. (This was a replacement, but if the original still lives, I have not seen it bloom as yet.  I'm glad I have this one!)

KINDLY LIGHT, by Bechtold, 1950.  (I have wanted this one for years!  Yaaayyy!  Got it! --  Ooops, just noticed that this photo is sideways!  Forgot to turn it in the files.  Looks the same though, except for the stamen direction.  Use your imagination, LOL!) 

Well, that's it for today.  I have many errands to run this morning, and all the other usual things to do.  First though ... a trek through the dewy grass (must change shoes first!) to check for FFO's.  There are very few to be seen now, but I've managed to find at least one each day.  ::knocking wood!::