Thursday, March 26, 2015

July of 2012

I have found a few more from previous summers, that weren't included in the previous posts about summer, 2014.  I hope you enjoy these too! 

BEDOUIN BRIDE, by Salter, '95; Early Midseason;
SEV TET; 28" x 5"

BLACK CAT, by Wild, '80; Mid; DOR DIP; 28" x 5"

BUBBLY, by Joiner, J., '89; Mid; SEV DIP; Double; 20" x 3"

 Oh, and waiter, to go with my BUBBLY, I'd also like some ......

CAVIAR, by Moldovan, '84; Mid; DOR TET; 26" x 5"

Mid; SEV TET; 26" x 6"

ISLE OF DREAMS,  by Morss, '89; Early Mid; SEV TET; 20" x 6"
(I wasn't going to upload this, but it loaded into the program by accident -- my carelessness, that is -- and it's such a NICE photo of this one!  I have it on my list as already being posted here, but couldn't resist the temptation to finish, and show it again.  I do like most of Mort Morss's hybrids!  The photo was taken in my gardens; they all are.  The lettering on the pic was put in when I was still trying to identify plants a few years ago.  Back then, I could do that with the photo program I had.  A few photos have text on them, no big deal.)

LADY'S TORCH, by Sellers, '80;
Mid; SEV TET; 24" x 5"

MILK CHOCOLATE, by Carney, '67; Mid Late; DOR DIP; 26" x 5" 
(A yummy alternative to the Bubbly and Caviar, I think!  I have had it in the shade for many years, and it's really a bit darker and browner than this photo shows.) 

SATIN GLASS, by Fay-Hardy, '60;
Mid; DOR DIP; 34" (height only given, but I'd guess the width to be around 4")
Stout Silver Medal winner, 1968

SILOAM LITTLE GIRL, by Henry, P., '76; Mid; DOR DIP; 18" x 4"

TOMMY, by Vaughn, W., '75;
Mid; DOR TET; 24" x 3"
(The yellow in the far, upper background is not Tommy.  I think that is Bill Norris.)

All the photos above were taken on July 13th, 2012.  The next one was taken July 15, 2012.  The ones following it were taken July 16, '12.

ARIANNA, by Simpson, D.; '97; Mid; SEV DIP; Nocturnal; 24" x 5.25"

SIR LANCELOT, by Webster, '87;
Mid; DOR TET; 26" x 6"
(Well, you know I put this in the King Arthur themed garden!)

SIR MODRED, by Webster, '90; Mid; DOR TET; Fragrant; 24" x 6"  (Also in the King Arthur garden, of course!)

The color of this flower is quite a lot darker than this, so if I can find another photo from 2013, say, that is truer to color, I'll repost it.  Since it's from the same breeder as Sir Lancelot, it seemed reasonable to include this pic here.  By the way, I've been thinking of this as "Sir Mordred," for years!  Turns out, it was registered as, "Sir Modred."  Ah well... a daylily by any other name, right?

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