Meanwhile, back in the past...... daylilies!
WHICH WAY JIM, by Shooter, J., '92; Midseason; DOR DIP; Fragrant; 26" x 5.5"
(The color is a fair bit darker than this photo shows. If I have another, from 2013 maybe, I'll post that too, if the color is truer.)
OUTRAGEOUS, by Stevens, '81; Mid; DOR TET; 22" x 4.5"
DIVA ASSOLUTA, by Morss, '85; Mid;
SEV TET; Very Fragrant; 26" x 6"
DOUBLE BOURBON, by Mc Ewen, '68; Early Mid; 26" x 4.4"
This one won several awards, but not the Stout Silver Medal, and is mentioned in one of my books as "Also recommended" for its color category.
DOUBLE GARDENIA, by Miles, J., '74;
Mid; EV DIP; Double; 30" x 4"
(It doesn't double reliably, as you can see in the photo. Yet, it's a nice bloom, and for an evergreen, very hardy!)
LONA EATON MILLER, by Kraus, '61; Mid; DOR DIP; 17" (height only given)
Not registered, because it's one of MY babies! I did a lot of pollinating in 2002, when I was new to having daylilies -- it was a lot of fun, doing that! But I learned that it takes more to register than I was expecting, and you have to have something worth registering! So, all the ones I bred in '02 are in one small area (a very shady area!) and are pretty much on their own. This is one that makes me smile: If I remember, it's a cross between Firestorm, and either Monster or Valley Monster. (Monster is a parent of Valley Monster.) It's a pretty decent size, though I've never formally measured it.
LAVENDER STARDUST, by Carpenter, J. '91;
Mid Late; DOR DIP; Fragrant; 26" x 5.5"
(As this loaded, before it reduced to this size, I could have sworn I saw diamond dusting on at least one of the petals. Not unlikely, since the name implies it! But it's not in the database as information -- that info is not required at registration, I suppose.)
MAD MAX, by Wilson-Schott, '89; Mid; DOR DIP; UFO; 46" x 7"
JO JANET, by Peck, V., '70;
Mid Late; EV TET; 31" x 6"
JO JANET, again!!! Do I have an ego, or what?!!
LATE LATE SHOW, by Kennedy, '86;
Very Late; DOR DIP; 28" x 5"
(Yes, I know, it looks a LOT like Jo Janet, but trust me, it's a whole other plant, with a completely different bloom time and other stats.)
The above photos were taken from 7/20/12 to 8/15/12. There were no further decent photos in my albums after that, except of other plants, other things. Now, we move on to 2013!!!
GOLLUM, by Hanson, C., '91; Early Mid; DOR TET; Fragrant; 22" x 6".
PINK LAVENDER APPEAL, by Monette, '76; Mid;
DOR DIP; 16" x 6"