Monday, August 16, 2021
Let's see if I can figure this out better. Getting a little more courageous. Maybe even more next time!
Ohhhh, myyyyyyy..... So many new daylilies, plus ones that I didn't have pics for, back when I was more active with the blog. By the way, this blog, plus my Facebook albums, have been invaluable in figuring out my mystery plants. Some are still mysteries; some that I thought I knew the identity of are now mysteries, because I was wrong. But a number of mysteries have been solved and identified!
I can upload several older pics now, but I do need to check first on what's already here, so it'll be only some of what I have. Also, I don't see how to upload more than a very few, so I'll do more later. These are some older ones I did not have photos of here on the blog.
(Wild, 1972)