Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wrap up .... for now!

Let's see.... where are we today?  Late July, '13 through August, '13.  I have been keeping a list to avoid duplications (though a few have slipped through, mostly before the list was started) and have found that most of the cultivars represented in photos from this time have already been shown on this blog.  

By the way, Happy Easter to all who celebrate this holiday! 

 ELEGANT EXPLOSION, by Meyer, C., 2004; Mid-Late; DOR DIP; Nocturnal; 20" x 4"
The wispy foliage and blossoms in the foreground is Linaria, Canon Went.)

TURKISH DELIGHT, by Wynne, '63;
Early Midseason; DOR DIP; 32" x 5"

SILOAM PEONY DISPLAY, by Henry, R., '91; Midseason; DOR DIP; Double, Fragrant; 18" x 6"
(The light was a bit subdued, so this seems just a bit darker than true color.)

HOBBIT, by Searles, '73;
Mid-Late; DOR DIP; 15" x 3.5"

MANCHU FAN, by Durio, K.; '86; Early Mid; SEV TET; 24" X 7"
(I had a note in the album adding, "Maybe" to the name.

TETRINA'S DAUGHTER,by Fay, '71; Mid; SEV TET; Nocturnal; 32" x 5"

Tetrina's Daughter, again, below.  This is probably the last bloom, which would explain why it's a bit tatty. 

And THAT is the end of my supply of photos, leading up to the present!  I haven't counted, even on "the list," but guesstimate that there are between 350 to 400 cultivars represented here, so far.  More that have not been shown should be blooming in 2015, so keep coming to visit!  

In less than two months, I would guess, "Elizabeth" starts the season off again!  It's possible that "Elves" might beat her to the First To Bloom status that she has enjoyed all these years -- stay tuned to find out! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Some more older photos to help fill out the "inventory"

I have moved up well into 2013!  Hooray!  These are from mid-July, '13.

DOUBLE PASSION, by Brown, B., '73; Early; EV DIP; Double; 25" x 6"

WIZARD'S WISH, by Moldovan, 2006;
Mid-Late; DOR TET; 30" x 6"

CATHERINE WOODBERY, by Childs, F., '67; Mid-Late; SOR DIP; Very Fragrant; 30" x 6"

COUNTRY VISTA, by Wild, A., '88;
Early Mid; DOR DIP; Fragrant; 29" x 5.5"
(This is a lovely daylily!!!)

CRIMSON PIRATE, by Sass, H.E., '51; Mid; DOR DIP; Spider 5.2; 30" (height only).  Well, you know I had to have this for my Pirate themed garden!

DARING DECEPTION, by Salter, J., '94;
Early Mid; SEV TET; 24" x 5"

(In the background is some daylily, "Double Gardenia," pictured in the last entry, not doubled.  These are doubled quite nicely.  Seems like it has to get a running head start before doubling begins.)

RING OF KERRY, by Roycroft, '97; Mid; DOR TET; 32" x 5"

I know, it looks like Daring Deception, above, doesn't it?  But they're two completely different cultivars, with different stats. I haven't checked to see if they're related, though.  Could bear looking into! (Post Script: I don't see a relationship, though the data is not conclusive.  However, I did notice that Ring Of Kerry claims Strawberry Candy, the 1998 Stout Silver Medal winner, as its pod parent!)

SUNDAY GLOVES, by Lebegue-Rogers, '85;
Early Mid; DOR DIP; Very Fragrant; 27" x 5"

(Photos do NOT do this blossom justice! It is very near to white.)

     SUPER BABE, by Dove, '83; Early Mid; DOR DIP; Fragrant; Nocturnal; 19" x 6"

TRAHLYTA, byChilds, F., '82; Early Mid;
DOR DIP; Very Fragrant; 30" x 6.5"

                              MONSTER, by Pettus, '76; Mid; DOR TET; 32" x 9"

NEW KING DAVID, by Klehm, '96;
Mid-Late; DOR TET; Fragrant; 26" x 6"

(This is one of the few daylilies I have that I honestly think photographs GREAT after a rain!)

                      BELA LUGOSI, by Hanson, C., '95; Mid; SEV TET; 33" x 6"

MISS JESSIE, by Hardy, '56;
Midseason; DOR DIP; Spider variant;
40" (height only)

XIA XIANG, by Billingslea, '88; Mid; SEV DIP; Fragrant; 22" x 6"  (This is a child cultivar out of Fairy Tale Pink, a Stout Silver Medalist.  I've had it in a very shady spot until transplanting last year, so it didn't increase much.  Hoping it will like its new "home.")