BROCADED GOWN, by Millikan, B. '79; Early Midseason; SEV DIP; 26" x 6" (Stout Silver Medal winner, 1989)
CONAN(left, and below) by Weston, '78;
Early Mid; SEV TET; 26"x 5"
DOLL HOUSE, by Wild, '75; Early Mid; DOR DIP; 27" x 6"
LOVE IS, by Stevens, D., '78; Mid;
DOR TET; 22" x 4"
NATE, by Bachman, 2003; Mid Late; DOR TET; 40" x 6" (I have wanted this one for years, and finally got it in 2014! Why did I want it? I have a son named, "Nate"!)
SWAN BALLET, by Lester, '58; Early Mid
DOR DIP; 30" (height)
TOOTSIE, by Kirchhoff, D., '83; Early; EV DIP; 20" x 3"
Moving on to another day in the garden, July 23, 2015:
BLACKBEARD PIRATE, by Moldovan, 2002;
Mid; DOR TET; Fragrant; 22" x 5"
CORRYTON PINK, by Kirby- OAKES, '81; Early Mid; DOR TET; 32" x 7"
DRAGON KING, by Kirchhoff, D., '92;
Early; EV TET; 22" x 5.5"
ELIZABETH SALTER, by Salter, '90; Mid; SEV TET; 22' x 6"; SSM winner, 2000
FLAMINGO FLIGHT, by Peat, '98;
Mid; SEV TET; 28" x 6"
MAUDE'S VALENTINE, by Shooter, '92; Mid; DOR DIP; Fragrant; Nocturnal; 32" x 5"
Once again, that's it for tonight! See you again soon!