Monday, June 29, 2015

June has been bustin' out all over!

Many of the daylilies have new, budded scapes!!!  Several have bloomed, but I already have photos of most of them, here in past blog entries.  Below are pics of a couple of newbies to the neighborhood!  Oh, and I didn't lose all of "Cry," only one fan.  There were two, and one did die.  I do seem to have lost a bonus plant from last year's order: Lemon Hager.  I'll have to check my records to see if it bloomed and a pic was posted -- I don't recall its having bloomed. 

All of this year's orders are either potted or in ground, now.  Took about five weeks of much hole-digging!  I have a few older clumps dug up, that desperately need division and lining out, but they'll be OK.  They're all soaking in buckets (one in the wheelbarrow) for now.  Most of my work now will be weeding, since I don't want to disturb the blooming of those that have scapes holding buds.  I could, I suppose... but I likely won't.

I'll include a few photos of some other new blooms, too.  The Sweet William is a joy to see from the back steps!  That, the foxgloves, and the Nora Barlow columbine were all planted last year.  Some are annuals, for this year, like the Gaillardia below.

Gaillardia, "Arizona Sun"

                            Columbine, "Nora Barlow"  (It's in the RHPS themed garden!)

Two photos of the Sweet William, a tall kind of carnation (Dianthus).  Got these from Graceful Gardens, last year, but had to wait until this year to see blossoms.

Stock, actually four different plants.  They were still in their set "pots" when this was taken, as I was still so busy with other plants, and they seemed happy enough.  Sometimes called "Evening Stock," this is an old-fashioned flower that smells utterly divine! 

And now, ta-daaaaaaa!!!  

(OK, only two so far...)

EB 38-09-01, by the Darrow family.  This one might not be registered yet, if it ever is, but I liked it very much and ordered it in late 2012.  Took awhile to establish, but it's a nice bloom!  Photo was backlit, and in the afternoon.  The flowers were all determined to face eastward, and I had to crouch under an arch in a forsythia to shoot the pic.  I'll have to find the stats on it, but it's obviously Diploid (slender stems!) and an Early.  It's quite tall, too. Bloom is sizeable.

PINOCCHIO, by Saxton, 1951; 
Early Midseason; DOR DIP; 
38"tall, no bloom width given.
(I have it next to Geppetto, and Carpenter Shavings, LOL!  I have a children's Storytime themed garden too.)

So, that's all for today.  As mentioned, I have a few others starting to bloom, but they've all been shown here already, I think.  Unless I can come up with a much better photo, I won't bore any readers with repeats.  As for the above-mentioned foxgloves, I took those pics with my cell phone, and I'm not sure how to upload from there.  I'll either take other photos or figure out the phone angle of this business.  Ta-ta! 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Happy Springtime!

Well, HAPPY SPRINGTIME!!!  At long last, it is truly spring (insert huge sigh of relief here) and most of my daylilies made it through a brutally long winter.  I lost one called "Cry," though who knows, perhaps it's merely delayed.  I really think it's gone, so.... cry. 

The first blooms, as always, were the snowdrops, still nestled in a thin mantle of snow.  Says something about resilience, determination, hope.  Perky blue windflowers were next, at least in the warmer corner where the snow was first to melt.  More in another location showed up later.  There are only a few crocuses left; perhaps I should get more, in the fall.  Hyacinths have bloomed, though not well. But best of all of the early blooms are the daffodils!  I have a fairly decent assortment of them, and they make the wait for the daylilies bearable, while bejeweling the yard with yellows, golds, white, even a few with pink cups.  I was out in the yard this morning, taking photos to share!

I don't know all the cultivar names, sorry.  Many have been lost in my memory over the years, some I never knew, but I have a few names for the varieties. 

This little sweetie might have the name of a goddess, not sure.   It's planted with another lovely, a double (below) that might have the goddess name.  Which goddess?  Who knows!

This might be something like "Ice Carnival."  Ice something, anyway.  I got this one at the Portland Flower Show, many years ago!  This clump will be moved very soon, as I want that space for an herb garden, and some nasty stuff (vinca!) has to be eradicated.

I do know the name of these!  These are "Mondragon" daffodils.  I took advantage of the name similarity, and put them in the garden called Dragon's Alley.  I have quite a few small clumps of these throughout that garden.

And this delicate little darling is one of my favorites: "Thalia" 

Let's see.... what's next?  Ah!

Nope, I have no idea what this one is named.  Just a standard sort of daffodil/narcissus, I suppose.  I have a few clumps of them, here and there.  They seem hardy and happy.

At left is one called, "Avalon," which I may have posted in the past, but this is a fresh, new photo!  It's in the Arthurian themed garden, of course.  

Close by it is another Arthurian themed daffodil, but I don't recall the name perfectly.  Pictured below, it's "Camelot --" something,
or  Something -- "Camelot."  Hahaha... sorry, that's as close as I can get.  Maybe it's just, "Camelot," one word, and the "Avalon" has another word in it! 

 I think I need a daffodil database!

Anyway, to the right is Camelot -- , with Avalon in the upper right background.

Here is a "long shot" looking uphill, up "Dragon Alley," to what I call, "Saddle Rock."  (If you could see that rock from another angle, you'd understand.)  In another two months this shot will be almost all daylilies, but they are nowhere near ready to bloom yet.  They're all still little sproutlings at this time, so I must be patient. 

You know, I almost named this blog something like, "Dillies and Daffies"!!!!  Hahaha! 
I'm so glad to have some other flowers to brighten the yard before the daylilies start up!  The daffs are pretty much at peak now,  but there are a few later blooming stragglers that I will post about soon.   After they fade, there will be the apple orchard and the lilac bush.  Next, irises get cranked up to show off their beauty, and just before the daylilies start, the peonies explode with their exciting colors!  Pinks of every shade, from near white to near red.

I'll post some other blooming plants, and the rest of the daffodils, pretty soon.

I love my yard!!!!  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wrap up .... for now!

Let's see.... where are we today?  Late July, '13 through August, '13.  I have been keeping a list to avoid duplications (though a few have slipped through, mostly before the list was started) and have found that most of the cultivars represented in photos from this time have already been shown on this blog.  

By the way, Happy Easter to all who celebrate this holiday! 

 ELEGANT EXPLOSION, by Meyer, C., 2004; Mid-Late; DOR DIP; Nocturnal; 20" x 4"
The wispy foliage and blossoms in the foreground is Linaria, Canon Went.)

TURKISH DELIGHT, by Wynne, '63;
Early Midseason; DOR DIP; 32" x 5"

SILOAM PEONY DISPLAY, by Henry, R., '91; Midseason; DOR DIP; Double, Fragrant; 18" x 6"
(The light was a bit subdued, so this seems just a bit darker than true color.)

HOBBIT, by Searles, '73;
Mid-Late; DOR DIP; 15" x 3.5"

MANCHU FAN, by Durio, K.; '86; Early Mid; SEV TET; 24" X 7"
(I had a note in the album adding, "Maybe" to the name.

TETRINA'S DAUGHTER,by Fay, '71; Mid; SEV TET; Nocturnal; 32" x 5"

Tetrina's Daughter, again, below.  This is probably the last bloom, which would explain why it's a bit tatty. 

And THAT is the end of my supply of photos, leading up to the present!  I haven't counted, even on "the list," but guesstimate that there are between 350 to 400 cultivars represented here, so far.  More that have not been shown should be blooming in 2015, so keep coming to visit!  

In less than two months, I would guess, "Elizabeth" starts the season off again!  It's possible that "Elves" might beat her to the First To Bloom status that she has enjoyed all these years -- stay tuned to find out! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Some more older photos to help fill out the "inventory"

I have moved up well into 2013!  Hooray!  These are from mid-July, '13.

DOUBLE PASSION, by Brown, B., '73; Early; EV DIP; Double; 25" x 6"

WIZARD'S WISH, by Moldovan, 2006;
Mid-Late; DOR TET; 30" x 6"

CATHERINE WOODBERY, by Childs, F., '67; Mid-Late; SOR DIP; Very Fragrant; 30" x 6"

COUNTRY VISTA, by Wild, A., '88;
Early Mid; DOR DIP; Fragrant; 29" x 5.5"
(This is a lovely daylily!!!)

CRIMSON PIRATE, by Sass, H.E., '51; Mid; DOR DIP; Spider 5.2; 30" (height only).  Well, you know I had to have this for my Pirate themed garden!

DARING DECEPTION, by Salter, J., '94;
Early Mid; SEV TET; 24" x 5"

(In the background is some daylily, "Double Gardenia," pictured in the last entry, not doubled.  These are doubled quite nicely.  Seems like it has to get a running head start before doubling begins.)

RING OF KERRY, by Roycroft, '97; Mid; DOR TET; 32" x 5"

I know, it looks like Daring Deception, above, doesn't it?  But they're two completely different cultivars, with different stats. I haven't checked to see if they're related, though.  Could bear looking into! (Post Script: I don't see a relationship, though the data is not conclusive.  However, I did notice that Ring Of Kerry claims Strawberry Candy, the 1998 Stout Silver Medal winner, as its pod parent!)

SUNDAY GLOVES, by Lebegue-Rogers, '85;
Early Mid; DOR DIP; Very Fragrant; 27" x 5"

(Photos do NOT do this blossom justice! It is very near to white.)

     SUPER BABE, by Dove, '83; Early Mid; DOR DIP; Fragrant; Nocturnal; 19" x 6"

TRAHLYTA, byChilds, F., '82; Early Mid;
DOR DIP; Very Fragrant; 30" x 6.5"

                              MONSTER, by Pettus, '76; Mid; DOR TET; 32" x 9"

NEW KING DAVID, by Klehm, '96;
Mid-Late; DOR TET; Fragrant; 26" x 6"

(This is one of the few daylilies I have that I honestly think photographs GREAT after a rain!)

                      BELA LUGOSI, by Hanson, C., '95; Mid; SEV TET; 33" x 6"

MISS JESSIE, by Hardy, '56;
Midseason; DOR DIP; Spider variant;
40" (height only)

XIA XIANG, by Billingslea, '88; Mid; SEV DIP; Fragrant; 22" x 6"  (This is a child cultivar out of Fairy Tale Pink, a Stout Silver Medalist.  I've had it in a very shady spot until transplanting last year, so it didn't increase much.  Hoping it will like its new "home.")

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Straddling the years.....

Still looking at some older daylily photos, from 2012 and 2013, while I'm waiting for the winter snows to melt.  I was just outside, and poked a bit at the mounds; they are in many places hard and compacted.  Without a lot of rain, the biggest of them will be here for weeks yet.  We need rain and/or warmer temps before the yard is completely free of snow.  Meanwhile, I do have some daffodil sprouts in the spot where the snow melts first.  There is still snow there, but it's shrinking around the edges, and it's so nice to see new life!!!  

Meanwhile, back in the past...... daylilies! 

 WHICH WAY JIM, by Shooter, J., '92; Midseason; DOR DIP; Fragrant; 26" x 5.5"
(The color is a fair bit darker than this photo shows.  If I have another, from 2013 maybe, I'll post that too, if the color is truer.)

OUTRAGEOUS, by Stevens, '81; Mid; DOR TET; 22" x 4.5"

DIVA ASSOLUTA, by Morss, '85; Mid;
SEV TET; Very Fragrant; 26" x 6"

DOUBLE BOURBON, by Mc Ewen, '68; Early Mid; 26" x 4.4"
This one won several awards, but not the Stout Silver Medal, and is mentioned in one of my books as "Also recommended" for its color category.

DOUBLE GARDENIA, by Miles, J., '74;
Mid; EV DIP; Double; 30" x 4"
(It doesn't double reliably, as you can see in the photo.  Yet, it's a nice bloom, and for an evergreen, very hardy!)

LONA EATON MILLER, by Kraus, '61; Mid; DOR DIP; 17" (height only given)

Not registered, because it's one of MY babies!  I did a lot of pollinating in 2002, when I was new to having daylilies -- it was a lot of fun, doing that!  But I learned that it takes more to register than I was expecting, and you have to have something worth registering!  So, all the ones I bred in '02 are in one small area (a very shady area!) and are pretty much on their own.  This is one that makes me smile: If I remember, it's a cross between Firestorm, and either Monster or Valley Monster.  (Monster is a parent of Valley Monster.) It's a pretty decent size, though I've never formally measured it.

LAVENDER STARDUST, by Carpenter, J. '91;
Mid Late; DOR DIP; Fragrant; 26" x 5.5"
(As this loaded, before it reduced to this size, I could have sworn I saw diamond dusting on at least one of the petals.  Not unlikely, since the name implies it!  But it's not in the database as information -- that info is  not required at registration, I suppose.)

MAD MAX, by Wilson-Schott, '89; Mid; DOR DIP; UFO; 46" x 7"

JO JANET, by Peck, V., '70;
Mid Late; EV TET; 31" x 6"

JO JANET, again!!!  Do I have an ego, or what?!!

LATE LATE SHOW, by Kennedy, '86;
Very Late; DOR DIP; 28" x 5"

(Yes, I know, it looks a LOT like Jo Janet, but trust me, it's a whole other plant, with a completely different bloom time and other stats.)

The above photos were taken from 7/20/12 to 8/15/12.  There were no further decent photos in my albums after that, except of other plants, other things.  Now, we move on to 2013!!! 

GOLLUM, by Hanson, C., '91; Early Mid; DOR TET; Fragrant; 22" x 6".

PINK LAVENDER APPEAL, by Monette, '76; Mid;
DOR DIP; 16" x 6"