Saturday, July 5, 2014

I blame Arthur. Really.

Rain for the past three days, and it's cold this morning!  
I blame Arthur.  Really.
For those who aren't aware of it, there is a brand-new hurricane coming up the eastern seaboard, and although it will likely give us a complete miss, we have been feeling its effects.  It's the first one of the season, and its name is (obviously) Arthur.  

OK, so much for the weather report.  There have been only a few new FFO's recently, so it will be easy to catch you up.  Earlier this week, to start the month out on July 1st, out popped three new blooms:  Ella Gee, Boundless Beauty, and Elves.  

ELLA GEE, by Holman, 1975; Early; 17" x 2"
(I got this because my grandmother's name was Ella, and her married name began with "G"!)

BOUNDLESS BEAUTY, by Stamile, 2005; Mid; 28" x 8"
(This was a newcomer to my garden this year, and probably got a good hormonal head start in its original location, hence an earlier than "Midseason" bloom for the Northeast.) 

ELF CAPS, by Hudson, 1977; Early; 15" x 2"

These were followed by Elves on July 2nd, but the photo I have is a bit more recent.  It shows the area around Elves as well as the daylily itself.

ELVES, by Romine, 1979; Early Early; 22" x 3". 


Then the Happy Returns I divided and put into a holding bed last year began to open on July 3rd (photo taken today, however):

 HAPPY RETURNS, by Apps, 1986; Early Early; 18" x 3" (This one really does rebloom, here in the north.  Aptly named, it truly returns quite happily!)


On the 4th of July, there was an explosion (see what I did there? heh heh...) of four new openings!  

 One of them seems to have been a mystery plant I didn't even know was a mystery!  For over a decade, I assumed the plant I "knew" was Saco -- labeled and recorded as such-- was growing on a certain mound.  I did notice some ,brushed stripings after a few years, but didn't give it much thought, since my interest in the gardens was waning then anyway.  I had thought it strange that the Golden Chimes I also "knew" I had did NOT display the brownish, brushed stripings on its sepals that G.C. is known for.  Finally, last year, I did some research, compared photos of the two, and looked into the records I'd made of their acquistion.  I think I got the plants/tags mixed up when I got them from a local dig-your-own sale.  The fault was my own, nobody else to blame for this one, hahaha!   So, the clump formerly known as Saco, but will henceforth be labeled, Golden Chimes, bloomed yesterday!  Love it when mysteries get solved!

Here is a pic of it from the side, showing the "stripes":

GOLDEN CHIMES, by Fischer, 1954; Early Mid; 46" tall (Mine's not that tall -- could it be a misprint?)

(You'll have to wait until much later in the summer to see the real Saco!)

Some more of the Hemerocallis fulva (common ditch daylily) bloomed yesterday, too.  I'll come up with a nice group photo of it soon.

Another mystery -- a new one!-- bloomed, finally.  In 2012 or 2013, I noticed a single fan in between the original planting of Stella De Oro and Midas, but it didn't seem to belong to either.  Too small to bloom (due to my neglect of those several years, I assume) it didn't offer any clue at all.  Yesterday, it proved that it truly is neither of its neighbors!  Looks like an older variety, but my records of colors and bloom times, etc. are not helping me identify it.  Here's a photo:

It's a bit darker than this.  Even though it has been raining for days, and the sky was still overcast, there was enough light to distort the color.   I would have a hard time deciding between reddish-orange, or orangey-red.  Russet, maybe?  The bloom was three inches across, not counting the tips past the point of recurve (I never know whether to count that part or not).  It was 25 inches tall from the ground to the bottom of the inflorescence, and another three inches out (sort of trumpet shaped).  That's another measurement I am confused about.)  It would be considered an E or EM.  Nice li'l guy, and quite welcome in my garden, but I'd love to know who he is!

Last but not least, of the July 4th FFO's, was Little Flirt. 

LITTLE FLIRT, by Lenington, 1963; Early-Mid; 24" x 4"
Not particularly little, but quite flirtatious!  


Only one FFO today, an old favorite of mine.  I don't know why it is a favorite -- there is nothing special about it, other than .... it makes me smile to see it.  Imagine my smiles when I saw TWO blooms this morning, as "First Flower Open."  

SKIPPY, by Russell, 1952; Early Mid; 30" tall (bloom sizes weren't registered way back then.  I'd say it's from 3-4" in width?  I didn't measure.)
It's slightly darker than what I'm seeing here. 

OK.... one more.... NOT a daylily, though.  On June 1st, my friend Ruth came over for some daylilies I was offering her to make room in the garden beds.  She brought me a lovely white foxglove, with its babies!  They're all settling in nicely, and seem happy.

Some of those speckles are the natural spotting on foxgloves, but a bit of them are mud splatters (It was pretty low to the ground this morning). 
Did I mention it's been raining for three days?  Because it has! And SO chilly!

Really, Arthur... was all that necessary?   

(Yes, I truly am grateful the hurricane hasn't bothered us much, and very hopeful it hasn't caused any serious damage nor injury to anyone else, further south of me!  Gentle and protective blessings to all in Arthur's path!)