OK, I know... I'm bad. Yet, not bad at all, in the minds of most daylily lovers!
I can't garden yet, since the gardens are frozen and covered with snow, sleeping peacefully. But winter won't stop me from dreaming! I have ordered quite a few more daylilies, and I'm preparing an order for more!
I'm trying to collect as many of the Stout Silver Medal award winners as I can -- wouldn't it be great to have them ALL? But the older cultivars are very difficult to find. Most venders don't give their garden space to old cultivars, even the SSM winners. I have found a couple of sites that have a fair number of them, and it's very hard to hold back!
When the summer of 2014 is over, I should have over half of the SSM's in my collection, plus a fair number of replacements for some of the ones I've lost.
Yes, much of this is out of frustration that I can't be outside digging holes in my yard. However, it's still constructive use of my time. I won't be needing to make all these decisions in the warmer weather, plus I can budget monies appropriately.
That's my story, an' I'm stickin' to it! heh heh....