Ohhhhhh, BAD Janet! I have gone and bought more daylilies, this time from the Lily Auction! Heeheehee........ you know I don't feel the least bit guilty!
I got Sir Blackstem, an unusual one that I've wanted since I first read about it. The upper parts of the scape are just about black, and the sepals are dark brown, so the buds seem nearly black, too.
Also got Give Me Eight, to replace one I had ten years ago, but lost. And got Crafted By Hobbits, for my Middle Earth themed garden... and North Wind Dancer, a Stout Silver Medal award winner (2011). Soon, I'll have a garden just for the SSM winners, though I may never acquire them all. These won't be sent to me until mid-to-late spring, but I can certainly blog about them, if not brag about 'em!
So ... today I went out to the yard with the camera, because I saw this and thought it lovely:
......... and ..........
They are ice-covered garlic chive seeds! I thought they had a poetic loveliness about them. Most of the seeds/pods have dropped off, but several have lingered, on their stems. Quite elegant, in my opinion.