Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Well, all of the late scapes with buds are now collected and residing in a pretty pitcher in the kitchen.    I have no idea if they will bloom, but suspect that the most developed of them will.  The alternative was to play Temperature Roulette with them, and last night was very chilly.  I had a little bit of frost on part of my windshield this morning.  Not complaining, since this is overdue for my area.   Frosts can arrive as early as late September, and by now we've had the killing frost -- some years, even a bit of snow!  I've loved the extended warmth we've had this autumn, but when chill is in the air, gardeners beware! LOL!  

So, for the next few months, I suppose the only photos I'll post will be older ones.  But that should suffice.  

I'm already thinking about where I'll move this and that, these and those, and how I'll clean out this section or that one.... and yes, I'm already browsing the daylily websites and the Lily Auction to get ideas for next year!  Hopeless, maybe.  But not buying!  

The scapes look a bit sparse in their vase/pitcher, and because I'll be trimming them from the bottom periodically, I don't want to shorten them.  So, I won't take a photo. 

Oh, who am I kidding?  I won't take a photo because I'd have to clean the kitchen that would show in the background, ROFL!  ;)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Well, here it is the 20th of October (in New England!!!) and I have daylilies trying to bloom!   Here are pics taken early this afternoon, in my gardens.  They're not fully open, due to the chilly nights, but we usually have a partial if not killing freeze by now.  (Knocking wood that I'm not making one happen tonight...)  

Here are my brave, plucky bloomers:

 JANET BENZ, above ---

I have posted about these before, with their data.  Yes, they're not great, but considering everything, they are still a joy to see!  Says something about perseverance, doesn't it? 

Others that have recently bloomed and still have buds, are Little Bob, Happy Returns (of course!) Dance Ballerina Dance, and a No ID mystery red that I suspect could be Rambo.  But I cannot be certain at this time, and might never be.  But it is a handsome red!

I just don't have the heart to remove the buds, even though the little ones surely won't make it to open.  I could still pick the scapes and see what blooms indoors, in a vase.  Yes, I'll likely do that very soon.  I hate to drain the plant of its strength when it needs to put nutrients back into the roots for the winter.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Well, the other two recent purchases have bloomed, and went all out in their gloriousness!  (Is that a real word?)  I now have some nice photos of Janet Benz and Dance Ballerina Dance.  

In doing a bit of research, I have found that DBD has been bred to a huuuuge number of times.  It has 258 registered child and grandchild cultivars!  Amongst these are three that I have already:  Little Isaac, Merlin's Magic, and Sunset Boulevard.  Also, one of its parents is Round Table, which I also have.

I should really investigate the lineage of my daylilies better; I suppose it won't make a lot of difference in breeding, should I ever try to do that seriously, but it might.  Anyway, one bad characteristic of DBD was that it has trouble opening after cool nights.  Apparently, it doesn't pass this trait on to its children, or it wouldn't be used so extensively for breeding.  This photo was taken in early October, after some very cool nights. Tell me it isn't gorgeous just the way it is, after cool Maine nights!  Yes, one is incompletely opened, but looks worse at this angle.  These two blooms were on a fused branch, if that means anything.

                 DANCE BALLERINA DANCE, by Peck, 1976  Midseason, 24" x 6", Tet

The other I have pics of is Janet Benz, and I was very impressed with her as well.   She seems to be extremely photogenic.  As gorgeous as she is, I think her photos came out even better -- could that be possible?   The hardest part is selecting one photo out of three good ones.
Oh, and get this: not only is it a rebloomer with extended bloom, it's nocturnal and VERY fragrant!  The sweet fragrance was another reason I bought this, in addition to her pretty face!
One of her parents is Tetra Barbara Mitchell;  I have the diploid version of Barbara Mitchell, if I'm not mistaken.  Close enough for jazz?

Both of these plants still have buds!  I don't know how long they can hold out in the chill of October, but I can hope for a few more blooms, along with My Complimentary, in bloom today.  I have a few more that are doing rebloom, or at least trying to throw up one last scape.
Hey, imagine these two beauties combining their fantastic genetics into a beautiful offspring!  Hmmmmmmm..........

                              JANET BENZ, by Benz, 2000, Midseason, 28" x 6", Tet

Oh, and to finish up the season like a REAL daylily addict, I bought three MORE daylilies, at a different local nursery.  Hey, who can pass up a daylily sale, right?  I purchased Alpha Centauri, Marque Moon, and August Frost.  While in the greenhouse making my decisions, I looked up each one I was considering on my iPhone.  I usually have the Tinker's Garden Database as the first site that comes up when I go to the internet on my phone.  There were photos of each plant on the stick labels, but I got more info.  August Frost is a VL bloomer, though it wasn't blooming when I bought it.  I need more Lates and Very Lates!  Alpha Centauri is a Fragrant, and Marque Moon is out of Admiral's Braid, which I have wanted for years, but still don't have.  MM is beautiful, a Mid-Late, and also Fragrant, so it will do nicely, for now.  Also, it has four-way branching and a bud count of 40!   There will be no photos of these three until next year, I'm afraid.  They're bedded down for the winter, and waiting quietly for their blankets of snow.

Now, each morning, I just stroll through the sleeping plant rows, and pull the occasional weed, making plans for next year.  I got so much done this year, but it was NOT enough.  There is so very much more to do to make these gardens look their best.  Great thing about gardeners, especially those with perennials, is that we believe in the future!  We invest in it!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Yesterday, I stopped at a local nursery where, last spring, I had seen a daylily I wanted to add to my collection.  Not a favorite, but it's a Stout Silver Medal winner, from 1998: Strawberry Candy, by Stamile.  Back then, I'd promised myself that if it was still there in the fall or late summer, when I stopped for the sales, I'd get it.  If it was meant to be, it would happen -- if not, then it wouldn't be there.  They had ONE left!  Yaaaaayyyyyyy...  I got seduced by three more lovelies, who were blooming (repeat blooms; none of them is a Late season bloomer) at the time.  Damaged one bloom of Janet Benz (by Benz) on the trip home, so will have to wait until another bud opens.  Missed the photo op on Dance Ballerina Dance (Peck) but got a shot of the buds... look at them all! Wow, for a late rebloom!

I'll get a pic of these when they bloom; it should be warm enough for the rest of this week to coax them to open up.

Strawberry Candy has no scapes nor blooms; that's OK with me.  It can save its strength for next year.  The last is My Complimentary, by Kamensky.  It's more pink than this, but I just took the photo in the late afternoon, and it's shady in that spot, too.  Hence, the color is more blue-shifted.  This too has quite a few buds.

I was surprised to see some others in bud, most notably my old reliable, Happy Returns, happily returning, again and again.  I've a  red NOID (No ID) that decided to come back for an encore, so I'll work on that mystery again.  Today's blossom was a bit ratty, but there are more buds that may have a chance to open if the weather holds.  

In the meantime, I'll share a photo of the little zinnias that are gracing a part of one larger garden.  I thought they'd be tall, but these cute little guys are just as wonderful.  The drabness of dying foliage needs that punch of supreme red!

Have a pleasant Tuesday evening!