Looks like the patch I was hoping to "lasagna" and over-winter just won't wait. I have far too many clumps that desperately NEED to be divided, and no place to put them. I'm clearing out a whole garden area near the back steps to be an herb garden, as an old farmhouse truly should have. But first the vinca I put there years ago, must be annihilated. Oh, I won't put poison in there, of course! But I'm hoping to smother the bad stuff if I can cover the bed entirely with newspaper, etc. Unfortunately, I do have three herbs and two hostas already there, so I'm not sure if I'll eradicate the vinca or not. It is terribly invasive... and RUDE.
Anyway, that means getting all the daylilies that are there OUT. They'll need division, and a new place to grow. Not sure how many there are, in that one small spot, at least a dozen. Lots of daffodils, too. Once they are all out, the plan is to leave that fallow for a year, and dig out any new strays. Hmmm... and keep the cats out of there, too! Ew....
So far, I have moved Bone China (this spring, actually; it bounced right back!) Siloam David Kirchhoff, and Lilting Lavender. Two mystery plants
*could* be Give Me Eight, and one of my own babies from 2003/2004. Some others to go will be: Ruby Spider, Dark Star, Linda, Black Cherry, Lona Eaton Miller, Lady Neva, Vesuvian Blackout, Black Plush, Super Goddess (I think) maybe Temple Goddess,
maybe Abiding Goddess,
one that kinda looks like Siloam Merle Kent, but I thought I'd put it elsewhere, years ago. Fingers crossed that Feisty is alive, being crowded by Linda. Not at all sure about one mystery plant, but I'm hoping it's Olallie Star. Sometimes I find original labels/tags that help identify a plant, once I've dug and lifted it. Otherwise, I'm guessing as best I can with databases, and my own good-but-not-perfect records. I got sloppy about that after a couple of years. (BAD Janet!) I keep hoping more of my own records will turn up, like jotted notes on odd scraps of paper, or notebooks I don't remember. It's happened! Late Late Show will be the last one to move, I suppose, since it is yet a long way from its first blossoming. I'll wait until all blooms are spent on each before moving them.
Here are a few of the daylilies that have been or will be moved from The Corner Garden, just northwest of the back steps.
RUBY SPIDER, by Stamile, 1991, Early, Dor Tet, 34"x 9".
LADY NEVA, by Alexander-Moody, 1970, EM, Sev Dip, 42" x 9" (Not tall at this time. This one was bought as a replacement for the one I'll have to move soon, not knowing the original was still alive. This one is too young to be 42 inches tall, and the original is too stressed.)
LATE LATE SHOW, by Kennedy, 1986, VL, Dor Dip, 28"x5" (This doesn't look like the pic in the Tinker's Garden database. But I have nothing else that would qualify. This is truly VL- Very Late)
SILOAM DAVID KIRCHHOFF by P. Henry, 1986, EM, Dor Dip, 16" x 4"
BLACK PLUSH, by Connell, 1955, Mid, Ev Dip, 32" height (bloom dimensions weren't given when registering daylilies, way back that long ago.)
MYSTERY daylily that looks a lot like SILOAM MERLE KENT, but I can't figure out why it would be in that garden, when my records show it was intended to go into a different one. If not SMK, then... what is it?
This is the "Corner Garden" in question, taken last year. The very tall one is LINDA. Much of this is already cleaned out pretty well, and a few bloomed this year that did not bloom at all in 2012.